Coop Tractor Plans


In the Brooder
Jan 9, 2024
Hello! I'm looking for a PVC tractor plan. Open to to other materials! Does anyone have any reccomendations? They would primarily be used as grow out pens in the summer. How have you modified yours for predator prevention or winter weather? Looking forward to seeing what everyone made or is using! Also what did you pay to build yours? (Looking for 2023 inflation.)
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How big do you need them to be?
Will they be sleeping in them or just day use?
Do you plan on many years using them or are they temporary?

PVC becomes brittle over time in the sun and even more so in super cold temps.
Have you considered hoop coops/tractors made from cattle panels? They are far more durable and easier to predator proof than PVC.
Has anyone built one of these? Thoughts?


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I used a design I found on
How to Build a Hoop Coop, poster is Square County Homestead.

I built it myself, so not complicated and muscle power not needed. Like other hoop coops, it is open at both ends so lots of ventilation. Right now one end is partially blocked. The other end faces a sold wood shed, so there is a wind block. It is very light and easy to move.

Cost, $155 This includes the fee for having the PVC cut. Add for the tarp. I also recommend using pieces of rope over the top and tied to either side. This keeps the tarp in place and strong wind will do less damage.

He puts the tarp at one end and uses the excess as a wall. I have a tarp over the entire length with only a few inches of excess. Mine is not being used as a portable coop, it is being used as the stay in place coop, but it will be easy to move in the spring when they don't need a wind break.
I built a small pvc groww out pen with 3/4" pvc - and by small, I mean 4x8xroughly 3' tall. Small. Was fine for what it was, would not have kept ground predators out, and lasted less than a year before the PVC became so badly bowed that ti just twised up and refused to sit flat every time I moved it.

0/10 would NOT do again.

If I had to, I would use much larger PVC. and at the price, wood would be much more cost effective and easier to attach hardware cloth to.

A-frames are a poorly ventilated waste of material.

Mobile hoop coops are the way.

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