Coturnix questions

Thank you for the info Victoria. 2x4 would be pretty simple to build, even for me!

Ken, the pen on the website looks good but pricey. Some 2x4's, hardware cloth, a quail waterer and a feed dish would be alot cheaper so that's what I'll do. SamG has eggs available; that's where I got mine (well, will tomorrow!) I wanted to get them now so they will be ready when the cold weather comes. Much longer and I think we're pushing it.
You're welcome!
Yeah, I built a 3x5' pen with 2x4s, hardware cloth, plywood and 1" chicken wire. Turned out dang good if I do say so myself! Sucker's heavy, tho! LOL!

The coturnix are so sweet. And Sam's are just the sweetest little chunks.
I'm lucky I got some while he still had them. They're my favorites.

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