Hatching Day 20


8 Years
Mar 24, 2016
Good morning everyone
It is the start of day 20
Wondering if my hatching eggs are alright I see vains clearly but haven't noticed movement there is still some room in the egg ( not the airsack) I swear I can hear clicking noise lightly when I listen carefully
I am extremely inpatient person having to keep myself busy with other task while waiting.
Is it normal to have that much room still at this stage?
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Best to let them be. They are probably getting into position to hatch. Yes the contents look like less as the chicks absorb the yolk, and than all the blood in the veins received before they begin the process to hatch.
Best to let them be. They are probably getting into position to hatch. Yes the contents look like less as the chicks absorb the yolk, and than all the blood in the veins received before they begin the process to hatch.
As of now day 23 the space in the egg that was there is slowly filling up I still see nice vains and can hear pecking noise without carefully trying to hear
Ohh shoot sorry to hear that😭
Did you candle them from day 21 on what did they look like? Because I am honestly pretty much given up a this point 😞
I candled at day 18 then waited and candled at day 23 and saw no movement on day 23. One pipped internally and I could hear it peeping on day 19/20 thought I would awake to chicks on day 21 but nothing. No more peeping. It was a huge bummer. It’s my first time and I bought a cheap farm innovator and had to babysit it to stop the fluctuations. It was a pain… thinking of eating the cost and buying something better.
I candled at day 18 then waited and candled at day 23 and saw no movement on day 23. One pipped internally and I could hear it peeping on day 19/20 thought I would awake to chicks on day 21 but nothing. No more peeping. It was a huge bummer. It’s my first time and I bought a cheap farm innovator and had to babysit it to stop the fluctuations. It was a pain… thinking of eating the cost and buying something better.
I am thinking the same thing

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