Does anyone have personal stories of how UNactivated Oxine Ah helped for upper respiratory infection your chickens?


In the Brooder
Oct 10, 2021
I would also like to ask if anyone has used it for cats or dogs upper respiratory infections. I understand this is a poultry forum but I can't find much on the internet on it working on anything else BUT chickens and ducks and one time I saw it mentioned for a turtle's upper respiratory infection but nothing else.

I don't see ANYWHERE that inhaling the UNactivated version is dangerous even to humans.

Just looking for as much information on the subject as I can.

Thanks in advance!
You may want to read the article below.

An onsite search of BYC will likely give you quite a few results as well.

Hope this helps.
I once had a sick hen who had respiratory problems and I brought her in the bathroom in a cage in the house so I could have a small area. I used UNactivated OXINE AH blowing from a Fogger about 2 ft in front of the cage for about 15 minutes per day for 3-5 days. She was cured and went on to live another 5 years or more.
I once had a sick hen who had respiratory problems and I brought her in the bathroom in a cage in the house so I could have a small area. I used UNactivated OXINE AH blowing from a Fogger about 2 ft in front of the cage for about 15 minutes per day for 3-5 days. She was cured and went on to live another 5 years or more.
In fact my profile pic is her!
I once had a sick hen who had respiratory problems and I brought her in the bathroom in a cage in the house so I could have a small area. I used UNactivated OXINE AH blowing from a Fogger about 2 ft in front of the cage for about 15 minutes per day for 3-5 days. She was cured and went on to live another 5 years or more.
Thank you for the tips!
I'm glad to hear she responded to treatment and lived for many more years.

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