Does my male Chinese goose need a mate?


Nov 11, 2020
Spring has sprung and I'm back to thinking about finding a mate for our goose. We have a brown male Chinese goose, a male mallard, and 3 white Pekin hens. The goose mounts all three females and I've had to separate them because he has opened a wound on his favorite female's head. I'm writing to ask you, do you think if I got a white Chinese goose, would he still try to service everyone? I was thinking of a white one because it looks like his other ladies. Maybe he'd be better off with one similar to his own coloring. (I know there would be a long adjustment period, separate flocks to introduce for 2 weeks to a month) He is quite a jerk (except to my teens), would having another female more his size help or make things worse? opinions? experiences?
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My alpha African brown gander flirts with and covers the ducks despite having 4 goose girls to choose from, 2 of whom he sired goslings with last season. No guarantees he'll get over his thing for ducks. It's best to have a companion of his own kind, period.
It would be best if separate him with his new companion for a while so they can bond.
When I added a new gander to my goose/duck flock, he did try to mate with the larger ducks that I had and ignored the lone female goose without a mate. But wouldn't you know, once the ducks were separated he didn't really have a choice!
I only separate the ducks during the breeding season so when everyone is back together he is still paired strongly with his female.

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