Duck feeder


Jun 21, 2023
I bought these feeders to install into a 5 gallon bucket, but it seems like the ducks are having a difficult time getting the food from them bc of the curve. Is there another type like these that are easier for ducks? Or if it just a learning curve for them? They are trying to get the food out but can’t seem to get the right angle. Does anyone have any solutions? Or a different feeder kit they found that works for ducks?
So what if I got pvc pipe the same side got ones that were straight instead of curved down? They would be able to get to the food then? We have another food container in there right now, but we wanted something bigger with a lid so it doesn’t get rain and snow inside if their food. So we want to do a 5 gallon bucket. So if we get straight pvc pipe instead of the curved down one they should be able to get their bills in?

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