Ducklings and bantam chicks in the same brooder? How bad of an idea is it?

Frodo the Pekin

Jul 26, 2023
How bad of an idea would it be to brood standard sized ducklings and mille fleur chicks together?

My dear mille fleur hen Agnes died a while back at the claws of a dog. We adored that hen and now have the opportunity to get some of her sisters' fertile eggs to hatch from the farm where we got her and her roo Harry from.
Second part of the story is that currently I have 10 duck eggs in my bator, on day 4 ish. I would like to, knowing the risks, to try and hatch those bantam eggs along side the duck ones in the same bator (setting them on day 8 of the ducks' incubation process so they should hatch on about the same day).

Now, if the ducklings and bantams managed to all hatch well, would it be absolutely terrible to brood them together, at least for the first couple of weeks? It would be so much easier for me. The brooder is pretty large. Would the ducklings try to peck at the chicks while so young? Taking care of a single brooder would be so much more convenient, but if that's not possible I will just do it separately.

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