Dumb question...

Two bantam eggs to one normal egg is the usual cooking conversion. Useful if you have to make half of a recipe which states '1 egg'
I use 2 to 3 banty eggs to one regular sized egg. My d'uccle's eggs I use 3. The silkie amd others little one I have, I use 2. You can eyeball it to tell pretty much.
Really not a dumb question at all. Kinda funny however that one accepts the smaller banty eggs, cause you don't expect the larger eggs, however some standard breeds are given a bad rap at times because they are still able to close the egg carton cover,thinking that breed should lay much larger eggs.

Not a dumb question at all. I didn't know for sure at first either!

While any individual banty egg can vary from tiny to medium, on average it's almost dead-on 2:1 (at least for our flock).

We sell banty eggs at market (along with large eggs), and I periodicly weigh a bunch together - always comes out half size for the lot.


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