egg is making peep sounds, HOW LONG can chick stay in there and not suffocate.

Two eggs hatched last nite.
Dottie is sitting like mad on the remaining 4 eggs. I don't hear peeps from those eggs.
But, she wants to sit on them.
Today is DAy 24.
The first egg hatched about 10 p.m. and the little yellow fella in the middle of the nite while I slept.
Dottie is in the bedroom in a rubbermaid dishpan on top of the clothes tower. I have a step ladder
so I can see what's going on. I took her off the two chicks for about three minutes so she could do her business.
I took pictures.
My fear's so far have not even come close to my imagination that everything was going to go wrong.
Here are some pictures !!!!

this is Dottie, Japanese bantam plus she was a runt.

First chick to arrive.

The yellow and black one hatched while I was sleeping. Truly totally AMAZING.
I will keep you all posted about the 4 remaining eggs. Thank you.
UPDATE: The yellow chick became weaker and weaker and passed. I did try to feed the little darling with a syringe but she was so sleepy and had no energy, she just wanted to be with mother. So Dottie has 3 live chicks, 1 passed and 2 eggs did not hatch. On Day 24 two hatched.

Lovely to watch her and the chicks.
I am new at this. So I hope someone here can answer your questions.
I do know that the hen should be close to them for her warmth or they will chill and be stressed.

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