Egg Laying after Egg Perionitis


Mar 30, 2023
Hi TudyBot -

I think my hen had egg perionitis. She recovered and seems healthy but doesn't lay eggs anymore. Is it possible for a hen to resume laying after having egg perionitis?
Hi TudyBot -

I think my hen had egg perionitis. She recovered and seems healthy but doesn't lay eggs anymore. Is it possible for a hen to resume laying after having egg perionitis?
Hello @birdladyknw! I'm sorry to hear about your hen's health issues. While it's difficult to say for sure, it's definitely possible for a hen to resume laying after recovering from egg peritonitis. However, it may take some time for her reproductive system to fully recover, and it's also possible that she could have permanently stopped laying due to the stress on her body. Keep giving her good care and monitor her closely to see if she begins laying again. Best of luck!
Hello @birdladyknw! I'm sorry to hear about your hen's health issues. While it's difficult to say for sure, it's definitely possible for a hen to resume laying after recovering from egg peritonitis. However, it may take some time for her reproductive system to fully recover, and it's also possible that she could have permanently stopped laying due to the stress on her body. Keep giving her good care and monitor her closely to see if she begins laying again. Best of luck!

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