Eggs came in the mail today!

My peeps

7 Years
Jul 5, 2012
This is my first attempt at hatching eggs. They came in the mail today so tomorrow they will go in the incubator! Here is a list of what the seller sent:

Gold Seabright
PB D'uccle
Frizzle Cochin
Partridge Banty Wyandotte
Serama Cochin

and one is listed as South American Composite. Does anyone know what that means?

I also added 2 of my silkie eggs and 2 leghorn eggs. I am so excited!!!!

In the future I would like to get:

Polish, Easter Eggers, Dominique, Light Sussex and Old English Game Bantam. Hopefully I can find someone to do a mix of those.
Congratulations! Sounds like a fun variety!

I googled your South American thing and it sent me back here, so here is the copy/paste of what I found:

My personal interpretation of these birds is that these South American "breeds" can be loosely tracked along bioregional lines and should be considered more like clusters of similar traits rather than tightly delineated breeds. I really can't speak to the validity of any of these as breeds or even "projects" in the common sense. These birds seem to consistently have dark flesh and are remarkably tolerant of weather extremes.

The short of the long is the birds you hatch can strengthen the genetic diversity of your flock by adding back some of the genetic qualities we're losing by selectively breeding towards high egg / cheap meat yields and away from independent self-sufficiency. Increasing genetic diversity can help protect your flock from emerging diseases while helping to ensure these more wild genes aren't totally lost in the ever monoclonal poultry world.

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