Eggs not gonna hatch? Last years chick went broody quick...


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 2, 2012
I thought a pred. had got my little hen. Then she showed up one day looking all irritated and unsocial you know. I watched her and she was sitting on eggs directly on the deck boards under the grill cover. The deck is 5 feet off the ground and the eggs would've been rather ventilated from the spacing between the boards. She's got 6-7 eggs, I put a box under there with a burlap sack a couple weeks ago when I found them. I couldn't say how long exactly, but I believe from the time I thought she was missing until today has probably been at least 45 days...but I'm not sure. Will she set there forever if eggs are no good? If I put another clutch under her right now, will she start the process over from there or will it take too long? How do I tell if they're going to hatch or not at this point? Thanks.
If she has been setting 45 days, another 21 may debilitate her to the point that she sickens and dies. Have you candled the eggs to determine whether or not they are viable?
Well, it's about time to find out if there is any chance of the eggs hatching. If they are no good, toss them and lock the hen away from the nest site so that she can regain her strength.
I very lightly wobbled (shook) one of the eggs and there is a chick in it it would seem and no liquid. Another one, I couldn't tell....the hen is off them eating right now so I went and tried to check. Maybe it hasn't been as long as i think it has...I have no idea or what to do...

I will remember that my other hen started setting just today and start looking close in about 3 weeks I guess, if she stays on them....

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