Extra Small Peafowl Egg! Is This Normal?

Prince and Pavo

Apr 4, 2023

I am watching my neighbors’ animals while they’re out of town, and today is the first day. This morning, I went over to feed their peafowl and found an egg in the pen. At first I thought it was a chicken egg because it was so small, but when I picked it up, I found that it was in fact a peafowl egg. But why is it so small? Unfortunately I didn’t get a picture, but I’ll try to later when I take care of them this evening.

I’m not exactly sure what they feed them, but it looks like a mixture of different seeds and some kind of pellets I think. I’ll take a picture of that later as well.

The pen is probably about 10’ by 15’ or so, but I am only guessing based on what I recall. I’ll try to get a better estimate later.

There are two peahens and one peacock in each pen, and there are two pens. I haven’t found any eggs in the other pen yet, but I’ll update if or when I do.

Both hens must be at least two years old, because I hatched my peacocks from some eggs that my neighbor gave me last year. The peacock is at least four, because he’s had his full train since at least last year. Besides a rooster, those are the only animals in the pen.

The egg is about the size of a medium-sized chicken egg, but it is rounder. Does anyone have any ideas as to why it’s so small?
Update: here are the pictures as promised…

The feed is a mix of seeds, pellets, and mealworms:

This is the small egg:

Also, the pen is actually probably closer to 10’ by 18’.

Still no eggs from the hens in the other pen.

Any ideas?

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