Feathers missing or "cut off"


Jan 28, 2021
I've been a chicken keeper for 3 years now and haven't run across this. Hoping all of you knowledgeable poultry keepers have and can give me some indication if I should be worried or treating something. I have two situations going on with feathers currently.
1. My Welbar on the surface looks to be going through a slight easy molt. However she's looked like this for months now. She's eating, drinking fine. No weight changes. Lays good. I'm thinking maybe other chickens pecking and pulling feathers? I thought also about depluming lice but the feathers look cut or bit off. I tried to get good pictures. Please zoom in in you can to see what I'm talking about. First 2 pictures.
2. I have 3-4 other chickens that are missing their neck feathers in front. Could this really be just the feather being rubbed off from eating out of the feeders? The skin looks great most of the time. Sometimes it gets red from being exposed to wind, cold, etc. All those birds too are eating, drinking, laying fine. Last picture of Cuckoo Maran.
With both of these things I'm not seeing any pecking from other birds on one another. At least not bad enough to do this.
I thank you in advance for your time and responses!



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Do you have a rooster? You also may have a hen that is doing mounting behaviour, sometimes that happens with a dominant female in the absence of a male, it's about dominance. Some of the shoulder damage looks like that, and I also see some to the backs of heads, that is where they hold on when they mount. The neck feathers in front could be picking, or could be rubbing on feeders or putting their heads through fencing to reach the other side and rubbing then. I don't think it's deplumbing mites, you would see skin irritation and usually some pretty severe feather loss, they can be so miserable from them that they pull their own feathers out trying to get relief. For some of them they just look worn and beat up, and ready for a new set of feathers. Depending on age, they may just be ready for replacement at molt, or may have not done a complete molt last time. Some years, some birds will only do a partial molt, it's pretty variable. And sometimes feather picking happens on the roosts. It can increase any time there is any upset in the flock that resets the pecking order, if birds are added or removed, or if things are too crowded. Some birds like to snuggle together, others demand space. If you do have feather picking going on, often the most pristine looking bird is the one doing it.
Do you have a rooster? You also may have a hen that is doing mounting behaviour, sometimes that happens with a dominant female in the absence of a male, it's about dominance. Some of the shoulder damage looks like that, and I also see some to the backs of heads, that is where they hold on when they mount. The neck feathers in front could be picking, or could be rubbing on feeders or putting their heads through fencing to reach the other side and rubbing then. I don't think it's deplumbing mites, you would see skin irritation and usually some pretty severe feather loss, they can be so miserable from them that they pull their own feathers out trying to get relief. For some of them they just look worn and beat up, and ready for a new set of feathers. Depending on age, they may just be ready for replacement at molt, or may have not done a complete molt last time. Some years, some birds will only do a partial molt, it's pretty variable. And sometimes feather picking happens on the roosts. It can increase any time there is any upset in the flock that resets the pecking order, if birds are added or removed, or if things are too crowded. Some birds like to snuggle together, others demand space. If you do have feather picking going on, often the most pristine looking bird is the one doing it.
Coach723 - thank you for you thoughts on this! Hen. Not have a rooster amd never thought of a dominant hen. I have seen a few of my older hens mounting the younger ones but never put two and two together that the feather damage could be that. That makes complete sense.
I'm not convinced on the neck feather missing because of the feeder but it certainly could be. I need to spend some time watching them eat to know for sure.
Again, I appreciate your response!

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