First pips!


Jun 27, 2022
Atlantic Canada
I'm just really excited! This is my first attempt incubating eggs. It's more of a fertility test than anything, to see if my blue copper marans boy has the goods, and to practice with my incubator. I set 6, at day 18 two were obviously not viable on candling and 3 seemed good, and one seemed good but farther behind? I don't seem to have a lot of luck with candling, maybe because of the brown eggs? I don't really see much.

Anyway, this morning (day 20) two were peeping, and this afternoon two had pipped!!! I'm so excited!

You can’t make out the pips in the photos, but I promise they're there! 😂

Okay, so #3 has looked like this for at least 2 hours, and still isn’t out. They’re still moving a bunch and trying to push. At what point do I intervene? Their siblings have knocked them about a bit, will that make a difference?


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Okay, so #3 has looked like this for at least 2 hours, and still isn’t out. They’re still moving a bunch and trying to push. At what point do I intervene? Their siblings have knocked them about a bit, will that make a difference?
let them be. intervention probably not a good idea
Okay, so #3 has looked like this for at least 2 hours, and still isn’t out. They’re still moving a bunch and trying to push. At what point do I intervene? Their siblings have knocked them about a bit, will that make a difference?
Congrats! For future though, they can take up to 24 hours from pip to hatch. Some of mine pop right out so fast it shocks me, and others have taken about 8 hrs, never longer though.

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