Great Egret chicken hunter?


Sep 10, 2018
I have been lucky enough not to have too much of a predator issue with my girls. I have two chickens a Rhodes island red and a bantam Brahma. The are free range every day and then then I lock them in at night. Yesterday this huge great egret decided to land on my hillside. I have never seen my girls so nervous. They hid on our patio behind my husbands dump cart. So do great egrets or herons eat adult chickens? I have read about the chicks but can’t find anything on adults.
Thank you guys! I love seeing them too but hate seeing my girls in stress. I’m just happy they have a safe place to hide when they feel at risk. We have a unique backyard and have been going up our hillside with everything to maximize our land. It keeps my husband busy building stairs so we can access the entire yard. My next wishlist item is a composter so I can process my chicken shit. For our eventual raised garden beds.
This week has been intense as far as keeping potential predators away from my chickens! 700 am there was a giant coyote trying to get into my coop! I chased him off with a broom but I need to fortify my coop. Any suggestions
Great blue heron and great white egrets will eat baby chicks and ducklings. once they are too big to be swallowed whole they are probably safe. Just had a great white egret eat one if mine today freaked all the other chickens out too.

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