Great-horned Owl Fun 2022


Crossing the Road
14 Years
Sep 19, 2009
Holts Summit, Missouri
It has been a while since last dealing with this issue, but here we go again.

Early this morning around 0400 we heard a commotion with a hen squalling followed by dogs barking as if charging after something. Running outside in my standard gear of underwear and flashlight with bad batteries I got into position to here dogs pushing hard to get into bushes and dense grove of wild plum. Several pullets where down on ground at feet of dogs that were stiffing hard for something above. I could hear a owl hooting very close by.

This evening tree roosting chickens were trying to find new locations although they were not better when dealing with owls. At dark my son and I rounded up the tree roosting birds and placed them in one of our new heavy-duty pens like shown below. We had enough roost to accommodate about 20 birds and it is still tight. We have four similar albeit larger pens in the barn that will be used in coming weeks. Problem will be getting birds to imprint on new location that is so close to current location.

Try keeping your birds cooped up in desired spot for two weeks to get them used to where you want them to roost. This sometimes doesn't work with the more stubborn chickens, but is what I suggest the most. :)

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