Guinea Hen attacked...


14 Years
Apr 24, 2007
What a day. I found my Guinea Hen laying on the front lawn distressed. I approached her and it was clear she had been attacked by something although I do not see any wounds. Her legs seem to be broken and she is in shock. I picked her up and put her in the coop. I'm not sure what to do for her. How do you lessen an animal's pain? If her legs are broken, what are:( the chance of a recovery? I hate to see her in pain. Any ideas?
Do you think it is possible to set the bones in her legs? If not then probably the only thing to do is to humanely put her out of pain. What a shame!!
Can you bring her inside in a box and keep her warm and give her some water with sugar or electrolytes in it while you decide what to do?
Breaks can often be set if you know where they are and can splint them. Sounds like you may be best to take her to a vet and get an xray.

Electrolytes in the water and keep her warm. 1 Aspirin in a quart of water will help also.
good ideas. This morning she is bright and alert adn wanting to go outside with the rest of the flock but can't move. I've given her food, water and will add some aspirin. Calling the vet now. Thank you

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