help baby bantam trouble


Cooped Up
12 Years
Aug 4, 2007
my bantam is a mille fleur and hes only one week old he has a watery swollen eye i think its infected i put a warm compress on him what else can i do i have some terramycin and was wondering if i could use that if so how much would i give a bantam thats one weeks old if i cant medicate him is there anything else i can do
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Well I am certainly no expert in chickens, but the warm compress sounds right. Also if you can flush the eye with a little saline solution (or generic brand contact solution around $2). Rinse the eye 3 or 4 times for a few days, patting gently to remove excess saline and goo -do not touch the eye. That is what we do with our dogs. If it's just a bit of crud or even a mild scratch the eye will heal quickly. If it doesn't clear up in a day or two or worsens at any point see your veterinarian quickly. Let us know how he does.
you can also give four drops of POLYVISOL into the beak... if symptoms get worse then see your vet for the appropriate antibiotic

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