HELP!!! duck has seizure and foot wont stop bleeding!

Nibbles and wiggles

In the Brooder
Jul 6, 2023
This morning I went outside to feed my 3 month old pekin ducks and one drake was sunk in the little stock tank soaking wet and when we took him out he couldn't walk and had a seizure, I think he has wet feather syndrome. He is dry now but I'm worried because he keeps twitching his wings and has this deep cut on his right toe that is bleeding ALOT I do not know how to stop the bleeding but it's just pooling around his foot and he is loosing a bunch of blood. We tried to stop the bleeding with blue coat and corn starch but it didnt help. Right now we have him in side in a kenal. Also he is normally very vocal but has only made a few sounds. Please help!!!
Did you apply pressure when you used corn starch to stop the bleeding? It can take awhile for bleeding to stop, so you could settle in with him on a towel in your lap as you watch a show or something while holding pressure to the cut. It should stop bleeding eventually, but if the wound is deep enough it'll take patience.

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