Help for a newbie, long is too long???

Thank you V Chic Chick,
I did toss out the 3 RIR (12/14) eggs. (and added addled to my dictionary!)

Just as I was typing this the postman showed up with my araucana eggs. They are VERY cold, so I hope they didn't freeze during their trip here.
"I have been told that introducing new chickens to my coop would kill either my chicken or the new ones"

I know this has been covered, but I'd just like to reiterate that it's bull-hockey.

We've had chickens for years - most from lots of 2 or 3 "give-aways" added to the flock. We typicly hold them in a wire dog crate in the coop for a while, but occassionally have been known to introduce them straight.

We have never, ever - never lost a chicken to in-fighting. We have rarely had serious fighting either - though a new roo will sometimes result in bloodied combs.

The closest I've ever seen to a serious problem was when we gave a pair of RIR to my mother's farm. Eventually, the RIR roo and mother's Japanees/Seabright cross roo got in a tussel and we thought for sure one would kill the other. The RIR backed off before that though and they eventually became buddies.

Good to know.
I will definately use the dog cage method in the future!
This business of hatching eggs is nerve-racking

If I make it through the brooding of 20 some eggs and I can end up with flock of 8 to 10 hens out of it, I'll be finding a good home for a brooder and incubator (along with any roosters and extra hens) and leave hatching to the pros!

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