Help, mama rejection


7 Years
Oct 12, 2012
Hen had rejected 3 chicks, 7 days after the hatching began, everything was fine till this morning, went out and found one dead, one almost dead, and one with it's head scalped but perky (if you can believe that).
At first I thought maybe it had been a wood rat or a weasel, but our 4X14 hatching area has not be penetrated, I checked every inch.
My question is the 2 that survived won't eat or drink, I've been i-dropping water to their beaks, the little scalped one responds well, but the other one is very lethargic, I'm afraid it may be internally hurt. Does anyone have any suggestions?, they won't even look at the food. Patch (the scalped one) id really peeping allot he hasn't given up...

At one point I thought it would be better to put them back with their mother so she could convince them to eat...WRONG...she went to pecking on them right off, I yelled at her and she backed off so I could rescue what...? I keep pecking at the food with the i-dropper, trying to convince Patch to eat, he did look down at the food, but hasn't tried any, the other one just lays there...bummer dude...
You might try crop feeding them. You can make a watery paste out of the ground up pellets mixed with pedialyte. Then you can suck it up in the eyedropper. Then, open the mouth and put the eyedropper deep into the throat, past the base of the tongue, where the trachea is. It is not the safest thing to do. If you don't go deep enough, you can pump mixture into the trachea, making them aspirate. However, if you don't, they may die of dehydration.

I recently did this to a hen (had BAD case of sour crop) with a 5cc syringe (without a needle). The hen was a goner, if I didn't do it. She recovered quickly, after I started crop feeding her.
Does she have other chicks or just those three? How old is she? I had one that kept pecking her only chick and took it away. I definitely would not let her hatch again.
She had 8, now she ok with the 5 she has left, but every morning I go out I worry about what I'm gonna see.
We have lost 2 so far, and I took the eggs left in the nest and one hatched so now I have 2 to keep going. They both take water voluntarily from an eyedropper, so we mixed some yogart/chickfeed/water and they eat it off the dropper every 15 min or so. They seem to be doing well, I'll go get some pedilite today. And yes, NO MORE CHICKS FROM THAT CRAZY HEN! It could be because I mixed up eggs, I didn't really want her eggs, she small, so we get small eggs, so that didn't work too well...
Thank you all again, the chicks are calling for their morning feeding, byeeeeeeeeeeeee

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