Help! My hen’s neck is twisted around and her eyes are closed

How long have you had her? Have you added other birds to the flock recently? Could the blood be from being pecked by other chickens? Wry neck, which sounds like why her neck is twisted, can be a result of a vitamin E deficiency, a head injury, and sometimes is seen in certain diseases including Mareks disease. She looks very ill, and unresponsive. If you can get her awake you could try to give her small amounts of electrolytes, or water with sugar 1 tsp dissolved in 8 ounces. Dipping her beak is safest, or you can give some with a dropper. If she is more awake, try giving her vitamin E 400 IU daily with a little raw or cooked egg for selenium. If you lose her, and want to have your state vet do a necropsy to look for a cause of death, this list has your state vet:
How long have you had her? Have you added other birds to the flock recently? Could the blood be from being pecked by other chickens? Wry neck, which sounds like why her neck is twisted, can be a result of a vitamin E deficiency, a head injury, and sometimes is seen in certain diseases including Mareks disease. She looks very ill, and unresponsive. If you can get her awake you could try to give her small amounts of electrolytes, or water with sugar 1 tsp dissolved in 8 ounces. Dipping her beak is safest, or you can give some with a dropper. If she is more awake, try giving her vitamin E 400 IU daily with a little raw or cooked egg for selenium. If you lose her, and want to have your state vet do a necropsy to look for a cause of death, this list has your state vet:
Thank you for this. I did add six new birds to the flock and she was one of them. I’ve only had her since the middle of this summer.

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