Help my poor Easter Egger


Crazy for Silkies
11 Years
Jan 17, 2013
Hi last night I heard my 3 week old Easter Egger screaming. I came in to see most of my flock running on her neck and body. I snatched her up as fast as I could but noticed she was flip flopping ending up on her back. Besides being trampled I've seem silkies with wry neck present this way. I started out with nutri drench with water and will feed her boiled egg. I think she presented with wry neck last night and they trampled her after. I separated her in her own tote but she will still end up upside down which scares her. I got a smaller box to hold her still so she won't flip or flop. Nothing seems broken from the trampling. She is trying to stand but flops exactly like wry neck I'd seen before. In your opinion do you think she presented wry neck last night then got trampled. Or is her symptoms a result of the trampling? She's one of my biggest birds and I'm learning toward thinking the reason she was trampled is because she was presenting wry neck symptoms. What is your opinion on this? I'm doing wry neck treatment is there anything else I should be doing? I really pray I don't loose her as she is my Granddaughters favorite bird.
She likely was on the floor and having issues before the others came down.
What is everyone's diet?
Give her 400 i.u vitamin E and a sliver of a B complex tablet every day for a few weeks.
Thank you for replying. I believe I still have that from when I had silkies. I sure hope she makes it. It's so awful to see. I just learned Easter Eggers have a genetic predisposition toward wryneck. They are eating medicated grower feed from tractor supply. I've since put electrolytes in the flock water as it's starting to get warm here. I have two more Easter Eggers that I will put nutri drench in the water after today's cleaning. I think if I can keep her upright and calm she might have a chance. I sure hope so. It's tough when the chicks are flip flopping like that. I will keep you posted.
Update; I make her mash with vitamins and she ate well. Also put vitamins in her water which she's graduated from a dropper to a cup and she's ate and drank well. She's been standing while eating in a small box that limits her movements. I realized this helps her feel more comfortable. She was on her back this morning but the box has helped her calm down. She is bright eyed and I have hope. With her eating and drinking well things are looking up. This morning was very bad. In fact I thought I was loosing her. The small box has helped a lot! I have paper towels in the box to keep her snug. She has been standing but no walking just yet.

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