Help! My roo might have Coryza


In the Brooder
Jan 12, 2022
First symptom, he is breathing through his mouth while his wings are lowered and wide. I thought he was just hot since I’m living in a tropical country. So I always fan him and refill his water.

Then suddenly, his voice changed like it went low a little bit. And then I was alarmed. I also heard him wheezing while his breathing after he danced on me.

I thought it was gapeworm. So i gave him today anti parasitic then I noticed he has foul smell. I have noticed it before but I didnt take it seriously because i thought it was from the greek yogurt dried on his face. And then I found out it was one of the sign of Coryza.

I’m overwhelmed with the information on how to treat it or at least how to lessen the severity. Poultry vet is rare in my country. I’m scared coz i dont want to loose my only rooster 😭.

Would this be enough to treat coryza??

PS. My rooster looks normal and healthy. He has good appetite and not lethargic. It’s just his face are not even. Right of his face is kinda swollen (not too big).

Thank you so much for you help in advance


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In order to treat Coryza, you will need to use the Premoxil powder per instructions in combination with a sulfa drug such as Sulmet, Sulfadimethoxine or Sulfamethoxazole Trimethoprim (SMZ-TMP.)
In order to treat Coryza, you will need to use the Premoxil powder per instructions in combination with a sulfa drug such as Sulmet, Sulfadimethoxine or Sulfamethoxazole Trimethoprim (SMZ-TMP.)
Is it safe to mix the premoxil with the other drug in the water? I found one but it is water soluble as well.

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