HELP! Poor Chick! (again)


12 Years
May 29, 2007
New York
I already made a post regarding a chick I have with a foot problem. I have 4 chicks total…the other 3 are much bigger and are about a week+days old. The one with the issue is like a “runt” and is also younger (about 4 or 5 days old). It has an issue with its right leg. It tends to lay down a lot but when it does stand up it’ll hold that right leg out and balance like that until it decides to lay down again or until one of the other chicks accidentally knocks it over. To move, it’ll hop and make a lunge as the last attempt. I’m not too worried about it being “weak.” It eats and drinks and seems to have a good amount of energy (especially for vocalizing through “chirps” and “peeps”); however, I’m really worried about the leg. My mom thinks it might have dislocated it. She says it just doesn’t feel right, like the bone is out of alignment. I just don’t know what to do. The chick is in pain right now… there aren’t any chicken experts/fowl vets in my area; so I am totally lost. I don’t want it to suffer, but I don’t want to have to put it down if there’s something I can do. Someone suggested that I try to pop it back in myself or bandage the leg and hope it goes back in by itself. Another person says I should just wait and let nature take it’s course…that when the chick moves around enough and starts to grow, that it should reset itself. Anyways, someone requested that I post a few pics and video so you can see the issue and get a better idea of what the problem is. I’m really sorry for having to make another post on the same topic…it’s just for some odd reason my computer wouldn’t let me edit my original.

Anyways, I turned the group out for a few minutes for the first time yesterday. It was such a nice day and I was told that fresh air would to them good. It also encouraged the dark one to move a bit more...

Here's a few pics and videos - sorry it's hard to see decently, but at least they show something... Any Suggestions on what I can do would be very much appreciated. Thank you.


Not really, its toes aren't curled or bowed out in that aspect. It tends just hold it a limping dog. I don't know. Could it be a milder case of that? Like I said, my mother thinks it's dislocated because when you start feeling it, the bones on the right side seem off. Again, I'm not a chicken expert. We're new to this and this is our fist batch of chicks. We bought them from a lady who breeds them for 4-H showing...we want them mostly for eggs and "pasture decorations." The Chick was fine when we picked it out...we're thinking when the lady went to catch it, she might have grabbed it funny. Again, I don't wants the matter...I don't know what to do.
Maybe you can take it back to the lady that raised them, she might be able to help ya there. If not, maybe she will exchange it for a healthy one. Im not sure what to twll you about its leg...other than take it to a vet. Sorry.
Thank you. I was acutally thining about taking it back to the lady; however she's about and hour and 1/2 away from where I live. My dad doesn't think it's worth doing much with the chick because it was only $2... but I just feel so bad. I'm trying to track down a few vets. I got a number from some specialist in Cornell, NY, but I can't get a hold of him. I guess I'll just have to wait and see and how things get...there isn't much else I can do...

Thank you everyone for your advice.
Since he's younger and smaller, the other chicks may have trampled over him and caused "spraddle-leg". I would see if it would help to keep him away from the others, unless it makes him too lonesome. Probably would be easier on him for him not to have to drag it thru the grass, too?? (Not sure) Maybe in a box on some paper towels? and sometimes these things just happen, and the nicest thing you can do is put it down, humanely. Good Luck.

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