Hen hasn't laid in 6 months


Oct 13, 2020
Question. I have a 3 year old Australorp who hasn't laid in over 6 months. She was laying fine before the fall. She went through a molt and stopped laying (I know that's normal). In addition, in October a bobcat killed one of her flock mates. We assumed that the stress of that attack also delayed her egg laying.

She eats, drinks and acts normal. Her belly is not swollen. Still...could she be internally laying? We are starting to get concerned.

Gosh, I really hope not. I see people talk about how they have hens that lay well past 3 years old but of course they don't lay very frequently.
There are a lot of things that really people have no control over. It is kind of like going bald. Happens to some people not to others. Laying is a bodily function, if she is not laying, she probably is not going to return to a more normal laying schedule. She might lay an egg once in a while, but it would be more of the exception than regular.

Not anything you can do for it. A lot of people cycle in new chicks each year, and cycle out of the flock 3+ year old birds precisely for this reason. A lot of 3 year old birds are not good steady layers, but eat the same as a good layer. Some of them are non-layers by this time. I think you have one of those.

Mrs K
Have you tried having "the talk" with her? Chickens don't understand words very well so I try to use body language. Look at the nest box, look at her, look at the scratch, mime a neck chop.
I have some older gals, 2 of them took a really extended holiday, from August '22 during the awful heat wave (I also moved them to a different coop), all the way through March. The other 2 had resumed laying in January. But when they did start laying again things seemed normal :confused: I decided not to hatch from them though.

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