Hen pooping yellow balls/clumps

Pittbull Chicken

Sep 16, 2023
My chicken has EYP. She was on antibiotics not too long ago and we had some fluid drained. She's been doing fine, but recently she has gotten really bad vent gleet. I've been been giving her probiotics the last few days, no change yet. However, she has pooped out these hard yellow fatty tumor looking things. Anyone ever seen this???
Wow, spot on. Thanks for the article. My vet confirmed this, thinking the clump contains yolk due to her recent history/ diagnosis of EYP.

We normally process our chickens, but this one has been a good pet and we decided we're not going to do that with her.

I started her back on antibiotics, even though prognosis is not good. She seems to have a little more energy today.

She was recently drained of fluids and her abdomen doesn't feel hard, squishy, or fluidy, so I don't think she's at the point of obstruction to any organs. She's never walked like a penguin and reacted well to antibiotics the first time. Maybe I should have kept her on them longer?

We'll see if she responds to the antibiotic/ probiotics treatment. If not, it'll be a quick decision to euthanize.

Thank you again for the quick response and the good article. You gave me piece of mind and calmed me down a bit. Appreciate it!

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