Holiday Gifts


12 Years
Mar 2, 2007
So many threads, so many thoughts turning toward the holidays have me thinking......

I'll be making something extra special for the adults in our family this year. In the past, gifts for the adults always range from something really fun, to baskets full of homemade goods, to fancy.

This year, I'm giving a book of sorts. You see, when FIL was dying 2 years ago, I spent nearly every moment with him. I took the kids to school, then went to the nursing home until lunch time or so. Then, I'd go back after dinner and stay until bedtime. We had a lot of hours alone together and we talked about everything from his childhood being raised by his mother and grandfather after his own father died in a freak accident (fell out of a hay loft), to his disappointment and heartache over the oldest son who'd turned his back on the family for the new wife.

I wrote it all down in the moments when he was sleeping and I couldn't bring myself to leave his side. I always carried a notebook with me to write down his stats when I'd take him to a doctor appointment. That notebook became "The Arnold Diary".

I remember thinking the night he passed away that I needed just five more minutes, just one more story for the diary; it wasn't finished yet.

I've started transcribing the diary and will print it off to give to his widow, their daughter and son (my husband). It's particularly important that this is done this Christmas because his widow has been diagnosed (again) with lung cancer and will not see another Christmas. His children and their mother need a little reminder of how important they all were to him.

Will any of you be gifting something extra special this year, too?
If I finish it, I have a quilt for my son made of clothes from 4 generations of both sides of our family. Then I have to document it-each piece to family member with story.
Oh, I'm sorry, debi.........that story wasn't intended to bring tears. But, it is deeply touching, I'll agree. I have more........

He was SO bothered by the fact that his hair was getting long. We hadn't worried alot about it simply because he had become so very weak, we knew we couldn't take him to a barber. Found out later the nursing home had a lady who came in on a certain day of the week and she would cut it for him. I arranged it, and accompanied him down the hall (the staff had to use a lift to get him out of bed). He was so thrilled. I saved the first snippet of that beautiful white hair that she took, wrapped it in a kleenex and tucked it into my bag thinking his two granddaughters would treasure a bit of grandpa in a locket. He passed away 4 days later.

The day after he died, we didn't have anywhere to go. We'd gotten so used to getting up in the morning and heading in to see him but suddenly, he wasn't there. We were lost. We all gathered at their home. My husband, his sister, and their mom and the respective spouses and children. MIL really wanted to go through his clothes that day, for some reason. This person chose this item, that person wanted that one.

There were several pairs of PJs, shirts, etc that weren't spoken for. I asked if anyone would mind if I took them. No, they were fine with that. Seams have been taken out, elastic removed. Everything from western shirt pockets to boxer shorts (yes, they're clean
) will find a place in as many 'snuggle quilts' as I can make for the grandchildren (8 of them). If there's enough, DH and his sister will each have one, too.

And, if we lose my MIL before the quilts are done, they'll each contain some of her clothing as well. Maybe that's why I haven't already started sewing. Perhaps somewhere, somehow I knew we'd be facing another holiday with the impending loss of.......

Okay, this wasn't intended to be a sad thread. I'd love to hear about more of your special gifts.
Will anybody else be giving particularly special gifts this year? I always enjoy giving gifts from the heart most. Would love to hear ideas from others here.
Wow, your story is very touching. I think that what you are doing is absolutely wonderful! I am sure that the recipients will be very touched to recieve these gifts that you are making for them! I know I would be!
It makes me wish I could go back in time and get some of my grandmother's clothes to make a quilt for my dad. I was 12 when she died, so it was almost 14 years ago now. I know how much he still misses her (and I do, too).

Most of my family is getting some handmade gifts, but nothing with the kind of meaning behind them as what you're doing!
Oh, thanks for your comments, Beth. I hope you're right. I'd rather get a gift like one of these than something bought out of some ole store. And, at the same time, I'd LOT rather give this sort of gift as well. Not only because I'm a tight-wad!
Hi, Your book will bring alot of happiness to them Im sure ,This pass summer I was cleaning out drawes and came across 25 pages of writtings that my aunt had done ,she was my dad's baby sister ,Most of it was just her sitting at the kitchen table writting what ever came to mine ,She told about when they were little growing up and the things they did way back in the 1930's ,I loved it , and wouldn't take nothing for it .It taught me things about my dad that I never knew, I will treasure it as long as i live

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