Holiday Traditions~Do U Have Any?

I did that one year. I thought my mom was going to kill me.
I volunteered to work two shifts on Easter, the Fourth, Thanksgiving and Christmas. It was great though. There were only a handful of us in the place. The phones were quiet. And the few that did call in were nice and polite. Plus it was time and a half. Plus the shift differential. Made loads of $$ that year. Kinda liked that job.
I'm a Chef so guess where Thanksgiving is this (and every) year....

Don't really do christmas since I was about 9 or 10 when I found out the REAL meaning of the holiday (both pegan and christian) and that the only thing that matters anymore is how many and how expensive the gifts are.

My tradition USED to be spending the week before and the week after Christmas alone in the woods.
That stopped when I joined the Navy.
Now I live in San Diego. I send a mail order turkey or ham to my family, and go Skiing at Big Bear.

Oh, and some times I make something for my family and close friends, like jam, or cookies, or a pie for them to enjoy at their holiday dinner, etc.
The whole family goes to my grandparent's house in Nashville, TN. My grandma cooks all day while all of us lazy kids and grandkids watch TV. Our latest thing is a game called SkipBo and we have tournaments. It is so much fun! Then, we eat and my grandpa cleans up while we all watch TV again.

After we get home, my husband and I cook a Tofurkey since we are vegetarian and Tofurkeys are delicious!

Coming from a broken home, Christmas traditions have changed quite drastically through the years. My newest tradition is to travel to visit family one year and to stay home the next! This year is a stay home year, yea! I want a live tree (a giant one since I have cathedral ceilings...still trying to convince the hubby). I LOVE all my ornaments and there are several I must hang up myself-no one else is allowed to! My husband and sister get sick of decorating after about five minutes so I end up doing the whole thing. I invite anyone who wants to come for Christmas over, but since my parents hate each other usually only one or the other comes. My DH has NEVER not stayed at his mom's house for Christmas Eve and this year I insisted he stay home. So, his entire family is staying at my house instead! Doh!

Oh, and for Christmas Eve we always go to a Greek restaurant, drink a lot and open Christmas crackers (so fun!). They used to let us break plates behind the bar and yell, "Opa!" but I guess someone got hurt so they don't let us do that anymore.
Well, we're muslim, so we don't celebrate christmas, but for our holiday (Eid) every year we make the traditional cookies at the mosque (which is the muslim equivalent of a church), and then make goodie bags to hand out with candy and a gift for the low income children.

and everyone has to go shopping and wear something new on Eid.

by the way, the cookies we make are delicious. theres one that is sort of like a shortbread, but has rosewater in it, and one that has no sugar in is but is topped with powdered sugar and stuffed with crushed dates. those are my favorites.
For Thanksgiving we go up to New Jersey to my husbands Grandmothers house. We always go to the Columbus Flea Market before dinner. Dinner is pretty normal other than....we ALWAYS have waffles with gravy on them with Thanksgiving dinner. Well, to be honest with you, I don't eat them, but it has been tradition in their family for generations. After dinner we head back home and meet up with my family for dessert!

Christmas is pretty normal...We wake up and every year have Grands Cinnamon rolls, the kids open their gifts. Then we pack up and go to My Husbands parents house, have dinner and exchange gifts, then come home and have dessert her at my house and do our gift exchange with my family.
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When I was a kid we used to go shopping for Christmas gifts on the day after Thanksgiving.

by the way, the cookies we make are delicious. theres one that is sort of like a shortbread, but has rosewater in it, and one that has no sugar in is but is topped with powdered sugar and stuffed with crushed dates. those are my favorites.

I LOVE those cookies! I wish I had some now.

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