How often to provide gruel and vita water to weak chick


9 Years
Jun 13, 2014
I had a shipment of hatchlings arrive today and all are in great shape except for one who is really stressed: eyes closed, won't stand and originally was flopping over on side. I started in on a dilute yolk water mix and as it got stronger have been giving it water laced with a light dose of honey and Poultry Cell, as well as a very dilute gruel of chick starter. The chick will drink both if I dip the tip of its beak in the water and gruel. I fed/watered it every 1/2 hour for four hours, then every hour for four hours and have done so every 90 minutes for the past four 1/2 hours. It has definitely been getting stronger, peeping, trying to stand when I wake it for feeding -- and sleeping peacefully flat out under the heat plate otherwise. It is sitting up on its hocks now, but not yet standing, nor opening its eyes.

It's by itself in a tiny makeshift brooder in my bedroom. I need some sleep like crazy, but want to give it the best shot. It's likely between 60 and 72 hours old right now.

What is the optimal stretch of time I can go through the night between feedings/waterings?
Having a tonic such as Poultry NutriDrench where you can give a couple of drops orally, can give a quick boost to a struggling baby chick. Then doing what you have with egg and some watery feed is helpful. Dipping beak often to let it drink as well will help. Make sure there is no dried poop on the vent. Some chicks are too weak to make it though.

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