Huge crop??


13 Years
Jan 24, 2007
I guess I can't say this is an emergency, as it has been going on for a month or so. I have a brown leghorn hen, perhaps 2 years old. I have been noticing for the last month or more that she seemed to have a proud breast, --I thought it was perhaps just her posture, as she seemed to feel ok. But did seem to have a large crop area. Today she was on the nest, and I picked her up to check, and her crop is about the size of a softball. Really big and round. It didn't show up that much under her feathers. It feels fairly solid, and lumpy. Lumpy like as if it is full of egg pellets, which is what I feed them. I don't know, if this is what it is (or whatever it is) how she still seems to be feeling okay. Does anyone have any idea if there is something I can do to get this bunch of stuff to move on through?
More than likely, she had just finished eating. If you are really concerned about this not going it possible for you to put her somewhere alone....and restrict feed...just for the evening, and part of the next day. See if this makes the crop go down. Sounds to me like she is just gorging herself when the feed is down. Just remember, when you restrict feed...she needs plenty water!! If you can keep her isolated for a few days, try giving her soft foods...veggies...boiled egg yolks...yogurt...cooked oatmeal. But make sure she has grit of some type availiable. Even with the soft feed....she will need some grit. Hope this helps, and she is better. Let us know!
Thanks! I will try isolating her with water and egg yokes, etc. I keep pellets, grit and oyster shell out all the time. I don't think she has gorged herself, as her chest always looks that large, and her crop felt pretty solid. We'll see how this works--I hope you are right.

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