I hate these phone calls!

I have WHAT in my yard? :

My Dh is a firefighter at an oil refinery.

wow. WOW. I think you are certainly as corageous as he is.

to speak for the guys here. my wife is a social worker and has to make home visits on a regular basis. she is not allowed to carry anything in the way of personal defense, the state figures all she needs is a cell phone. we also have a friend that works on the removal side that is in the same situation but usually has a LEO escort. i worry from time to time. i work with machines that i can lose a finger or 2 but im not concerned with that as much as losing my wife to some whack job.

I truly mean no disrespect orbidman! Before my current job I was a social worker!! I think it must say something about me and DH. I left social work direct service to run a non-profit and provide emergency preparedness services to non-profits. That is how I met DH.....

And yes, it was very dangerous sometimes, but in those days I was not married and didn't have kids so it didn't really worry me. I did get shot at once and my forever gratitude goes to the officer who took him out before he got off another shot.

Funny one though: a patient of mine was doing a hostage thing and we negotiated her kids out so it was just her screaming and this went on for hours. Finally, she agreed to come out with her hands up and to show us she had no weapons. She came flying out of the door - 250 lbs of screaming buck naked female!!

She went running down the street and the officer and I looked at each other and he said , "Aren't you going to go after her?" I was like, "NO, you chase her!" And we just stood there laughing our behinds off. Her running defied the laws of gravity and physics!!
Yes, we eventually went after her, she couldn't run real fast....
I got one of those calls from my DH, but it was about my son.

Dear, M. is OK, but your car is totaled.

He said he was sitting there after the accident, Don't call my Mother, don't call my Mother.
Y'know there is another thread about regrets over getting chickens and I have come to the conclusion that loving people, animals, etc is truly what makes life worth living, but

............... it is risky and hard...........

and maybe, that is WHY it is worthwhile to do.

If you are lucky enough too love some one - love them every minute of every day.

If you are lucky enough to be loved by some one remember the debt that you owe them and take care of yourself!
I hate the telephone......my daughters have learned to start every call with 'Hi Mom, it's me, everything's fine, just called for......'

My hubby works at a tool store, and works in the warehouse. He has to worry more about the folks around him than himself.

It could be dangerous anywhere. We have an office about 15 miles from home and it is located upstairs (these stairs are steep) from a liquor store business. One day DH was going down the stairs to go to a client and he somehow lost his footing and fell about 6 feet to the cement floor below and landed on his knees. His head hit the door downstairs to the liquor store and the worker there thought someone was knocking on the door and opened it to find DH sprawled. He had to have immediate surgery to attach the ligament that got seperated from the bone. They actually drilled holes in the bone to stitch the ligaments to. :eek:

After he recuperated, say some 6 mos. later he developed aches and pains and the Dr. discovered he had rheumatoid arthritis (triggered by the injury) and has to take mega doses of meds for his flare ups, which will probably be with him for the rest of his days.

It all started with that fall.....

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