I Need Some Advice


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
N. Louisiana
I've had my Hova with fan and turner and my Hova still air for a hatcher for a year now. I have set eggs over and over usually the numbers are in the 30's. It seems like no matter what I do I cannot get my hatch rate up. First I tried the dry method and had like 3 bantys hatch. Then tried keeping the humidity higher, like 30's, and would hatch maybe 1. Three hatches in a row I hatched 1. Over the winter I learned to candle and found out of 30 something banty eggs only 10 hatched and the rest weren't fertile. I thought at least the fertile ones hatched so I'm doing better. This time I had 14 banty and 10 sex-link eggs. All but 3 bantys were fertile but only 5 hatched. Of the sex-links 2 hatched, 4 pipped 3 of which died. The last one I went ahead and broke the shell and discovered it was breach. In candling I found all of the sex-links grew to full term then died. Of the bantys only a couple reached full term, looked like they got to 2-2 1/2 weeks. The temp was at 99* nearly all the time, varied very little, the humidity remained in the 50%'s until they went into the hatcher at day 18 then it rose to 70%'s. Funny thing is that in candling I found that all the air sacs were far to big, which I thought came from the humidity being too low. It was never too low. On one sex-link the air sac was on the side!? I'm wondering if they had problems because they are sex-link, but I thought that only meant they wouldn't breed true. Anyway, I have no clue as to what is going on. Even the banty eggs air sac was way too big. They should have had a 90%, or so, hatch rate with only 3 unfertile. I am sooo confused and dh is ready to sell the bators. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong???????
If I had to make a guess I would say temps are low. What are you using for a thermometer/hygrometer? Have you put a second one in to compare readings? I have had a few really expensive ones that where way out!

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