Incubator for eggs?


12 Years
Apr 8, 2007
I have a very simple question. I've been reading up on raising chickens and planning things thru before purchasing the chicks. Now this morning I have a chance to purchase fertile eggs locally and thought that might be an exciting experience. My question is, would I have to purchase lots of expensive equipment to incubate the eggs, or is there a simple old fashioned way? Thanks for any help or advice.
A basic incubator costs roughly $45.00 at farm supply stores. Many people make diy incubators, which you could do. I've made one, but have not used it yet. I plan to purchase an incubator and set eggs in both at once. You can make the basic 'diy' model using a styrofoam ice chest, a lamp kit, a dimmer switch, a thermometer and hygrometer (sp?), and stuff from the kitchen such as a dish for water, a cellulose sponge, metal cooling rack. There's lots of photos of home made incubators on BYC that you could search for and get an idea.

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