Injured wing - have I wrapped this ok?


May 24, 2022
Hi team,

I’m sorry to be posting another thread so soon. And especially sorry about the topic 😭

My bossy bully bird seems to have a broken wing. She has been lying down, hiding under plants and this afternoon I noticed her wing hanging.

I’ve tried to wrap it in place with vet wrap, but the bandage seems to getting in the way of her legs and she loses balance.

I’ll try cutting the wrap lengthways, and see if that helps. Should I wrap over her injured wing, and under the other so she retains movement of the good wing?

If I’m not successful, will it heal if leave I it alone? Will it matter if it heals out of place?

In other news, this bad accident might have happened at a good time. I’ve introduced the littlest girls to the flock, which seems to be going well. Not as much bullying as I’d expected from the injured boss.


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Ok. Second time around with narrower Vet Wrap seems to have worked better. You can see in the pic where she is walking past a mirror, one wing is free, the other wrapped. And she is now running around easily.

Is there anything else to do, apart from leave her alone? How long should I keep it wrapped?


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Ok. Second time around with narrower Vet Wrap seems to have worked better. You can see in the pic where she is walking past a mirror, one wing is free, the other wrapped. And she is now running around easily.

Is there anything else to do, apart from leave her alone? How long should I keep it wrapped?
Hey there!
What did y'all end up doing, isolating or not? Keeping it wrapped or not. We're in a similar situation right now and trying to determine a course of action. (More specific details about our girl here:

We'd love any advice.

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