Is there bumbletoe?


Sep 8, 2023
Any thoughts on this brownish spot on toe? This is post foot washing. That digit was slightly inflamed, and it seemed like the very top layer of skin was gone...kind of like would happen with a blister on people. On more examination, the other foot has a similar spot on the same toe and digit, just not as brown and seems all skin is intact.
Any advice for treatment? I put black drawing salve on last night when she was roosting and triple antibiotic ointment this morning, but unfortunately, I'm not good with guaze and vet rap with just 2 hands and wiggly feet.
It is smooth but has very slight lateral ridges. I Use pine and hemp in the hen house. There are some small rocks that the girls sometimes dig up in the run area. Weather has been awful rainy (8 inches so far for April), but I try to put down pine or hemp to mitigate water. I clean poo from the hen house and run daily.
Thanks for reaching out. I don't want it to get worse and would like to make it better.
Doubt it's the roost then! One of my girls had a toe spot like those last summer (also never. stopped. raining. ALL YEAR.) which I cleaned/soaked, debrided with a washcloth and painted it with gentian violet, similar to Blue-Kote and other dyed antiseptics. Repeated twice. This cleared it right up, just be sure to let the antiseptic dry before you let her walk on the wet ground again.
That is a mild case of bumblefoot. You may want to either soak the feet in warm Epsom salts daily, or use sugardine paste and a dressing. Mix Betadine and sugar and make a paste to coat the sore, and put a 2x2 gauze, then wrap it with vet wrap or duck tape. Remove it every 2 days and reapply. Then you may be able tot squeeze out any pus. Small cuts can get infected, and lead to an abscess.
How much did u deride? Not much comes off though it's not hard or solidified. Ended up soaking for 15 to 20 min tonight. Is there an ideal concentration of Epsom salts?

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