Jumbo runt rooster


Jan 4, 2022
Just putting this out there... I keep jumbo Coturnix and made a bad pick for breeding stock. I picked these at 6 wks old around Halloween to be my winter breakfast egg layers and breeders come spring. One male didn’t keep growing like the other choices and I’ve eaten the options since. He's of jumbo stock but more like a big standard. I don’t want his genetic influence in the eggs I start hatching in March. I found a replacement that will arrive in a week or so. It occurred to me he might be a great rooster to add a little size to a standard flock. So I’m offering him to anyone who wants him (and is close enough to central Ky to get him) in the next few days. He's diligent in his duties with the ladies and tries for the door every time I open it. Spunky little dude. Hate to break my bargain with the breeders- one year of life in exchange for yielding more life. (Also hate to freeze my fingers and clean the shears for one bird.((It’s frikkin cold out there.)) I know his chances aren’t good in a short time, he’ll likely be an appetizer for Valentine’s Day. Like I said, just putting it out there. Free bird for a weird niche- runt jumbo rooster for standard Coturnix flock.
You might try the state thread.
state thread
Appreciate the suggestion. It seems too much work trying to copy/paste/post it this late in the game especially considering how small my state's presence here is. (And how frikkin schizzy this site is. It drops and reloads every few minutes. I had to find my place twice just writing this response.)
Appreciate the suggestion. It seems too much work trying to copy/paste/post it this late in the game especially considering how small my state's presence here is. (And how frikkin schizzy this site is. It drops and reloads every few minutes. I had to find my place twice just writing this response.)
I am sorry. I don't have the reloading issue.

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