Laying 2 soft shelled eggs at once


In the Brooder
Nov 10, 2021
I have a 4 year old light sussex (Shakshuka) who is definitley laying 2 soft shelled eggs at a time (I've seen her in action! Otherwise I'd assume impossible). She stopped laying over winter this year for the first time, then starting in February is laying about once a fortnight - always 2 very soft shelled eggs! This time 1 of them was tiny.
She has grit, nettex poultry powder mixed into her garvo layers pellets and I even think her bird sand has oyster shell in too! So her calcium should be fine. Before this winter she layed 3 or 4 eggs a week always well formed.

Starting to worry as they are so soft one might crack inside her and definitley something very weird going on.

Otherwise healthy and active. No other concerns. Had wet poo during her moult in December but this is normal for her and her poo has firmed again.

Any advice appreciated.

That tiny one has a very rough and thick shell.
What was inside it?

She's definitely got some shell gland issues.
Very difficult to say what and why.

garvo layers pellets
This looks to be 15% protein, might be a tad low for an active layer, especially if you feed other treats/foods.
I find it odd that the calcium is not expressed in a percentage.

nettex poultry powder
Can you provide a link to the exact product you are using?
That tiny one has a very rough and thick shell.
What was inside it?

She's definitely got some shell gland issues.
Very difficult to say what and why.

This looks to be 15% protein, might be a tad low for an active layer, especially if you feed other treats/foods.
I find it odd that the calcium is not expressed in a percentage.

Can you provide a link to the exact product you are using?
The tiny egg was only egg white inside - maybe a little thick textured, i smashed it when removing and couldn't find any yellow but may have missed it as the whole egg was only Cadbury mini egg sized. The shell texture was thick and bumpy.

Inside the soft shell one was a perfectly normal looking egg.

She has unrestricted access to the layers pellets (mixed with a quater growers for higher protein during moult but that was only for a few weeks in november/ december and she's now back on layers). I agree it's on the low side for protein but her sister seems to pile on weight whenever I've tried other feeds. She also gets a small handful of mixed seeds and dried mealworms scattered in the run shared with 2 other girls once or twice a week. And I've been feeding greens (various varieties of small cabbage) once a week hung on string to ease boredom during bird flu flockdown (usually they would get a good few hours a day foraging in the garden instead). I don't give anything else.

I THINK this is the powder but the packaging has changed since I last purchased. Seems right though -

Thanks for your help

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