Leg issue, think it might be Perosis


In the Brooder
Oct 10, 2022
So I posted about one of my chickens, a hen, that had a leg issues it came out of now where around 2 ish weeks old, we tried to treat it for splayed leg but whatever we did, didn't seem to help or she'd peak off the band aids after healing a tiny bit but now I don't know what to do about it. It looks like Perosis which when i looked it up on google it looked like the pictures that pop up. I'm so worried it might be Perosis and don't know it i can fix it she's almost five weeks old now. I make sure she eats and drinks she is the sweetest thing. I've heard vitamins can help but i dont know which ones or where to find them(im in a very rural area) I'm scared i'll have to put her down but i'm hopeful maybe someone on here has something i could try to help my chick, Wobbles.

also the photo below is the one i found online it look identical to what she has


  • Screenshot 2023-05-25 210608.png
    Screenshot 2023-05-25 210608.png
    255.1 KB · Views: 198
Cannyou post a picture of your own chick from the front while standing? Slipped tendon, or leg bone deformities (varus or valgus deformity or twisted tibia) are common in chicks. Most of these are either untreatable or hard to treat. Many of these are due to a mineral deficiency in the parent stock, or heredity. Some chickens can around well enough to get food and water. Those may make it. Here are some articles about these:


https://www.merckvetmanual.com/poultry/disorders-of-the-skeletal-system-in-poultry/noninfectious-skeletal-disorders-in-poultry-broilers#:~:text=Valgus deformation is more common,Males are more commonly affected.

I knew it would most likely be untreatable and such since it kept getting worst I had another post when she was still doing fairly well, but since she was getting worst me and my family just tried to make her as comfortable as possible to get her that and let her know she was loved. She sadly pasted away early today. We are all pretty upset but grateful she is at peace thank you for the resources you gave though hopefully wont need them again but they we be useful if I ever do
Cannyou post a picture of your own chick from the front while standing? Slipped tendon, or leg bone deformities (varus or valgus deformity or twisted tibia) are common in chicks. Most of these are either untreatable or hard to treat. Many of these are due to a mineral deficiency in the parent stock, or heredity. Some chickens can around well enough to get food and water. Those may make it. Here are some articles about these:


https://www.merckvetmanual.com/poultry/disorders-of-the-skeletal-system-in-poultry/noninfectious-skeletal-disorders-in-poultry-broilers#:~:text=Valgus deformation is more common,Males are more commonly affected.

What is she eating? And do any other chicks have it?
She was eating the same thing we feed every other chick, medicated feed. We had Wobbles in with some smaller chicks and she'd teach them to eat and drink before she got worse, even snuggle them. Sadly she passed away this morning before her passing we made her as comfortable as possible even trying to give her some fresh vegetables but we don't think she was growing properly considering she was a 8 week old chick that wasn't much bigger then a 2-3 week old chick while her sibling were much bigger and stronger. but thank you for the care to ask and try to help <3

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