Looking for "penpals" or chicken interested new friends 😄


Dec 31, 2021
Not sure if this is the right forum, but here it goes!

I don't have a lot of friends to start with, and none with chickens of their own.
I'm really missing a friend I can write/talk about chickens and other stuff with 😄
I live in Norway in the countryside with my bf, dog and (for the moment) 13 chickens. I've started gardening, and working on some of the land we have now. Would love to get some more animals later! Music is a passion, mostly listen to stoner- or bluesrock, but almost everykind of music gets played here regularly!
I have a lot of different interests and like to try out different hobbies although I haven't really found out what I'm good at yet 😆
Guess I'm kind of a loner initially, but especially I since I moved to a different part of the country recently where I know no one, I miss having someone to talk to about this and that, and definitely chicks since it's become something of an obsession! 😅
And in this day and age, distance really doesn't matter as much anymore, does it? 🙂

Looking forward to hear from and hopefully getting to know you! 😊
Hi! All of us share birds as a common hobby! I would suggest looking through a bunch of threads on here, maybe under hobbies, or specific breeds. I like this site because I can join in on a thread that interests me, and keep up with others, chatting & asking questions along the way. If you like to garden, the ever-growing “What did you do in the garden today” is a great one. If you are looking to learn and share life experiences, “Shadrach’s ex batt” thread is international and has some amazing people who frequently contribute. If you are looking for a one-on-one person to message, you might meet someone compatible in one of the threads and decide to pen-pal message privately there. 😊
Hi! All of us share birds as a common hobby! I would suggest looking through a bunch of threads on here, maybe under hobbies, or specific breeds. I like this site because I can join in on a thread that interests me, and keep up with others, chatting & asking questions along the way. If you like to garden, the ever-growing “What did you do in the garden today” is a great one. If you are looking to learn and share life experiences, “Shadrach’s ex batt” thread is international and has some amazing people who frequently contribute. If you are looking for a one-on-one person to message, you might meet someone compatible in one of the threads and decide to pen-pal message privately there. 😊
That are some great tips, thank you 😀
I agree with @Iluveggers - jump in to some threads. Most of us are here because we love chatting about chickens. I also love seeing pictures of other people’s chickens and chicken coops and showing off my own.
Just for fun here is a video of one of my new chickens figuring how to roost up in the rafters. I wish she wouldn’t go that high but she is determined!

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