Looking to buy a Show Quality Silver Speckled Hamburg

I'm a 4-H member looking to buy a show quality adult Silver Speckled Hamburg pair. please help me find a breeder that will ship to me.

Greetings kiddo, you want to say "Silver Spangled Hamburg."

Your best bet, for what I can tell by your location, is to attend the Ohio National in the fall. It is the largest and most prestigious chicken show in America, and if you're parents can bring you you'll either find stock available or find someone to help you.

Here's the link: http://www.ohionational.org/
thanks I was planning to go there I went last year to check it out and buy a couple pairs and saw them in the show and have been looking ever since
There's a great breeder in Indianapolis - Dwight Morgan, Message me and I'll give you his email address
Not sure where you are in Ohio in relation to Indy, but maybe close enough?

Note by staff: Please do not publish someone's email address on a public forum. Thanks.
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