Loppers or meat cleaver

question about the nails on the stump method. "a space between them" - how much space? this may be a remarkably stupid question but i've never had chickens (coming in a few days) & don't know how much space that they wouldn't slip through. i darn sure don't want to mangle my kill & a bird suffer because of my inneptness.

I drive large spikes in a V shape, angled/leaning away from where the chickens body will rest on the stump. You slip the birds head between the nails, applying pressure by gently pulling the bird back stretches out the neck and snugs it deeper into the V. Kind of a self tightening one size fits all.
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I’m curious if I put a chicken into the cone and used the lopers to cut the head off (or would bone shears be better?) - would someone need to hold the head pulled out or will it hang there out far enough? (Not new to chickens but have not done any killing myself)

I’d also be interested to see photos of people’s boards with nails and V so I can get a visual idea of what I might need to build.

Thank you
I’m curious if I put a chicken into the cone and used the lopers to cut the head off (or would bone shears be better?) - would someone need to hold the head pulled out or will it hang there out far enough? (Not new to chickens but have not done any killing myself)
Depends on the bird. Some will try to pull their heads in, others will hang limp.

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