Medical Supplies for Raising Chicks


Jun 2, 2023
North Florida/Panhandle
My first brood started 4 days ago. I thought I was prepared with my list of things to get. Box, heat source, pine shavings, feeder, all the normal stuff. But since getting my chicks I feel overwhelmed with stuff I SHOULD have on hand as problems arise. We had one girl die the other day and when I asked for help the advice involved items or tools I didn't have. Dropper, probiotic, electrolytes, vitamins...

As I read through responses to my other posts as well as threads from others, I make purchases. But I would really love some help compiling a list of emergency items for raising chicks and chickens.

So what are some must have items outside of the normal day to day care? Medicines? Supplements? Tools?
My husband and I built a little cupboard in our coop, and inside I keep:

A head lamp
Blue kote
Probiotic/electrolyte packs
Fresh unopened syringes
Coconut oil
Vet wrap
Long tweezers

I considered getting antibiotics since they were getting pulled off the shelves but with meaningful expiration dates, I chose not to.

I’m still adding to my FFA (fowl first aid) box, but I’ve used a handful of the things already.

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