My only predation losses have been to a mink. After the massacre, I fenced off the back of the property, now keep everyone within sight of the house when they are loose during the day and added a LOT of hardware cloth to the runs.

Mink can get through Very Small openings, so hardware cloth is essential, in my opinion.

I tried live trapping it, but only caught a really cranky opossum. Maybe the DNR can offer some tips. I did read that a male mink has an exclusive territory, so I was hoping the killer was a boy, and apparently he was. There were just the two incidents, within a day of each other -- first the chickens, then a duck.

Mink are attracted to water, and there is a dredge ditch right up the road, which is probably what brought him to my door step. So, it's likely that wherever your ducks want to swim, the mink will want to hang out, too.

Hope you can keep your ducks safe!

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