

Dec 30, 2021
Kentucky, USA
I noticed teeny tiny bugs crawling on my phone screen. I've also noticed one of my hen has feather loss around her face and neck, and some scabs. It appears we have mites.

I just read that straw bales attract them, which I didn't know. I have a couple of mostly intact bales in the run which I will toss out. Beyond this, what should I do? I've read a million different things.
That's not dangerous? Can you advise on how much to use and how to use it?
There's poultry safe permethrin powder, its what I have. I get a bin so I can reuse any powder that falls off and I put the chicken in there, then dust them down. I don't go everywhere, usually around the neck, under wings, and most important around the vent area. Dusting in those spots have worked for me, but it does depends on the severity of the mites.
For the coop just sprinkle it around.
There's poultry safe permethrin powder, its what I have. I get a bin so I can reuse any powder that falls off and I put the chicken in there, then dust them down. I don't go everywhere, usually around the neck, under wings, and most important around the vent area. Dusting in those spots have worked for me, but it does depends on the severity of the mites.
For the coop just sprinkle it around.
Do I need to clean out the whole coop first? Or just add in some permethrin dust?

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