Molting or pecking injury?


In the Brooder
Aug 30, 2023
I have one hen who is missing a lot of feathers. Looks like they are broken off in patches on various areas of her body. Is she molting? Or is she being bullied and pecked at? She is about 16 months old. I have never noticed her or any of my hens molting before. She is the only one missing feathers. I have one other hen her age, 2 roosters, and 16 younglings (about 12 weeks old). They were all moved into a new coop and run within the past month. The second rooster was introduced a couple of weeks ago. Our first main rooster is kind of a bully and was pretty mean to the new guy at first. They get along ok now but everyone seems to be scared of the mean rooster. Including the humans to be honest. He sometimes gets aggressive with us and attacks leaving bruises and scrapes. My two adult hens seem to fight somewhat over who is the main hen and who gets the main roosters attention. I'm worried that there is fighting/bullying going on in the coop at night and if one or more of the other chickens (other hen, rooster?) are pecking at the hen causing the broken/missing feathers. I have also noticed the other hen having some dark dirty spots on her feathers, kind of looks like she got splashed with something. Wondering if it could be blood from her attacking the injured hen or something. I haven't seen anyone be aggressive towards the injured hen but I wonder if it's happening at night. She is acting much more afraid and defensive than usual towards me and seemed in pain when I held her. I don't see any bugs on her so I don't think its mites. I have separated her from the others for now. What do you think is going on?


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I don't see any broken feathers on her, just new pin feathers coming in.
All of your older birds should be molting this time of year if you are in the northern hemisphere.

I'm surprised the original rooster didn't outright go for the kill on the interloper rooster.
How much space do the birds have and what is there to do in the space? There should be 3.5-4 sq ft per bird in the coop with 1 linear foot of roost space per bird. They should have an additional 15 sq ft of space in the run with lots of things to perch on, dig through and hide behind.

On a side note, that chicken wire can be a death trap for your birds. It can hold them in but keep nothing out that wants to break in. You might want to consider upgrading to well secured 1/2" hardware cloth.

Don't worry : your hen is molting.
You can clearly see her new feathers growing out...!

But you have 18 hens, and 2 roosters...?
I mean... looks like 2 hens for now (younger are not yet sexually mature, right?), and 2 roosters...?
Not enough...

If your rooster is a bully, not sure he could befriend your new rooster...!
You have to keep them separate for now - at least until all your new hens are sexually mature (but I would separate them for 1 month at least!!). And they need to be able to see each other during the separation time...!
...In the case where they don't like each other when you put them together again, you could want to choose between the two the one you will keep : no need to keep the two if they don't get along (you don't want a dead rooster)...

What is the size of your first rooster?
Because big roosters are generally good boys... but the bantams? They are renowed more agressive, and they even need more hens than the bigger roosters...
(Of course, depends also of the individual...)

...Could you post a picture of your other hen? To show us "the dark dirty spots on her feathers"?

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