Mother's day hatch-a-long

Okay, okay, 5 hours ago I said I was waiting until day 10 to candle but I just had to peek. The three I checked are all viable. Yahoo! Now to keep them going is the challenge.
Okay, okay, 5 hours ago I said I was waiting until day 10 to candle but I just had to peek. The three I checked are all viable. Yahoo! Now to keep them going is the challenge.
That's okay, I've been checking mine ever since day 2 and after 5 days I can definitely see some development in several of them. I did remove a couple duds and will be doing so again soon but those darker eggs are keeping me guessing!
Darker eggs are a beast to candle. I was concerned about the Silverrudd Blue eggs. I always used my mobile device to candle but it was not working for the two I looked at last night. My new incubator has a candle if feature and was sure it would not work but surprisingly it did. I am telling my husband that I looked already as I promised it will wait 10 days. LOL. Almost got caught because I initially put the lid on differently and caught myself and fixed it. LOL
I checked all of 13 eggs I have in the incubator. Awhile the while my husband looked over my shoulder and all he kept saying is hurry up we don’t want to keep them from the heat. I told him that even hens get off their eggs and they hatch. All eggs are fertile. I did not see any blood rings though 2 I am concerned about. The eggs are not very dark green or heavily speckled they seem to have very dense shells. I do not know if it is that or my eyesight is getting worse.
I borrowed my husband's flashlight, because it is brighter, (I keep forgetting to replace my flashlight batteries.) Not a big deal, but we had a power out and I forgot to return his flashlight to the proper location. It got sorted out. We didn't know it was a planned outage, so they could work on wires.

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