Moxidectin for mite treatment?


Life is good...
9 Years
May 16, 2014
Having trouble with mites. I sprayed the coop down with liquid permethrin and treated all the birds with permethrin dust. Reading up on ivermectin topically here on the BYC threads and it sounded really interesting and much easier to apply and less traumatic for the birds (and me). I could not find the pour on ivermectin at my local feed store, and unable to get it shipped here. I did find moxidectin 5mg/ml (also meant for cattle) and I was able to find the chicken dosing from a @casportpony posting from 2017:
"the dose for the 5 mg/ml stuff is 0.5 mg/kg, which is 0.045 ml per pound (five pound hen gets 0.227 ml)."
Anybody out there use this stuff and what kind of results did you get? I understand it should be dosed at the back of the head and at the back of the neck between the wings?
Should it be used as a preventative, like with dogs, maybe every 4-6 months? Or should it only be used if mites are seen?
Thanks for any input from the great BYC community!😊
Anyone have any thoughts?🤔😊
I would like to ask you a question about your permethrin use.
How often were you spraying the coop? And did you happen to spray the birds too or just use the dust on the birds and how often did you dust the birds?
Also which exact product did you use?
I would like to ask you a question about your permethrin use.
How often were you spraying the coop? And did you happen to spray the birds too or just use the dust on the birds and how often did you dust the birds?
Also which exact product did you use?
Thank Kiki!😊
Used the standard liquid permethrin both on the coop and the birds initially. First time I treated for mites I repeated treatment after one week. This seemed to do the trick for some time until I noticed mites again about six months later. I’ve been using this method for the past few years.

Repeated this process this time using permethrin dust (garden and poultry dust) on the birds instead of the liquid as it seemed less toxic. The liquid stuff smells like gasoline.🤢
I know these things work but I was hoping to try the Moxidectin on the birds instead of the powder or the liquid as it seems like a much easier process. The birds definitely do not like being sprayed or dusted.
I still plan to use the liquid permethrin on the coop.
My question was really could I use the Moxidectin preventatively, if this would help, or should I only treat if I see mites?
Is Moxidectin effective against bird mites? It is designed for cows. But I have read threads here that people use it on birds.
I do understand that the coop needs to be treated if I see mites otherwise the birds will just get reinfested.
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These are the products I have used:

Not sure why the photos are so huge!🤣
They are the thumbnail versions.

permethrin liquid.jpg poultry dust.jpg
My question was really could I use the Moxidectin preventatively, if this would help, or should I only treat if I see mites?
I know that a lot of folks on here use treatments routinely, but IMO, that's a bad idea. It only builds resistance. Yes, dogs and cats get flea treatment monthly, that's because the dang fleas are always around. Here's the thing though, I've been around long enough to see fleas build resistance to five or six "commonly used' insecticides. In my area now, advantage and frontline are useless. They used to be so great and effective, but the insects keep evolving. Mites are just as good at it as fleas. Good luck, cause mites are a bitch.
I know that a lot of folks on here use treatments routinely, but IMO, that's a bad idea. It only builds resistance. Yes, dogs and cats get flea treatment monthly, that's because the dang fleas are always around. Here's the thing though, I've been around long enough to see fleas build resistance to five or six "commonly used' insecticides. In my area now, advantage and frontline are useless. They used to be so great and effective, but the insects keep evolving. Mites are just as good at it as fleas. Good luck, cause mites are a bitch.
Thanks, they certainly are!🤣
I have been doing more research. Looks like Moxidectin and Ivermectin are commonly used in Australia and New Zealand on poultry. Found one source that uses it preventatively every 3 months topically on the back of the neck (the pour on form) and it also kills some internal parasites as well. I give my dogs heartworm and flea preventive meds regularly, so perhaps it is worth it to try this method on the chooks.

But I don't see what the difference would be with using it in a pigeon and a chicken. I just don't think that I would use it on my birds if I was eating their eggs.

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