Muscovy eggs.


Apr 7, 2022
Live Oak, Florida
Duck people and especially muscovy people, I'm calling upon you.
I'm not a duck person- and I've never hatched muscovy eggs.
I have just a few eggs on days 11-13 that i just candled.
There's definitely something in there but compared to the call duck eggs i have in there (same days), it looks completely different.
The muscovy eggs have no veining, and one looks like a quitter if i go by chicken eggs. (Same things right?)
I'm aware muscovies take 33-37 days to hatch, will these eggs just not show development as early as call ducks or are they all quitters?
If it matters, i only have one muscovy hen and drake, both are under a year and the hen has only been laying for about a month now.
(I do have pekin drakes, would they cause the eggs to develop and then quit? I have heard that although possible to cross muscovies with other ducks, the offspring would be infertile? Not sure if thats true.)

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